IMPORTANT: For multiple parcels you will need to create a label for each parcel.
For each parcel you wish to return choose the shoes that relate to that parcel to generate the first label and then start the process again for your next parcel etc.
If you don't have a printer you can get a QR code once you have downloaded your returns label.
The products you return must be in new and unworn condition with all the original packaging and tags still attached. To test the shoes out we recommend that you wear your shoes, with clean feet, around the house to begin with on carpeted flooring.
We do not accept any item with any indication that it has been used. In such cases, the item will be returned to you.
If you wish to receive a refund we will re-credit the original purchaser's credit card for the sum paid less any taxes and duties and less the postal costs.
CALLA are not responsible for any item that is not returned in the manner set forth above and we cannot accept responsibility for packages until we are in possession of them. Your statutory rights as a customer remain unaffected.
We recommend you contact us before your purchase for advice on size and styles that will be suitable for you.
For cancellation rights please read our terms and conditions.
International Returns
You will need to pay for your own returns but in many cases this can be done to one of our local hubs in your country.
Check the list below to see if your country is included.
602-612 Botany Rd
Alexandria NSW 2015
70 Avenue Jean Jaurès
Bagnères de Luchon
Unit 2, Baldonnell Business Park
D22 XK20
Ezi Returns
Rijnlanderweg 766 Unit H
2132 NM Hoofddorp
Estrada de Santo Antão, 9
IC2 – Pavilhão D
2440-396 Batalha
Cienega de Flores NL 65550
Other international customers please return to:
Please make sure any customs forms and the outside of the parcel are marked with the words: RETURNED ORDER
Christmas Returns
If you order a pair of shoes as a Christmas gift in November or December you will have until the 14 January to return them or 28 days from date of purchase, whichever is later.
Processing The Refund
Refunds are processed via the original payment method in 14 working days of receipt of goods.
There is a problem
If your shoes develop a fault, you've received damaged items or you've been sent the wrong shoes, we would like to know about it and sort it out.
You have the option of starting a return in the normal way above where you can upload photos to show the issue and we will sort it out straight away.
Or please email us
Please read your full cancellation rights on our Terms and Conditions
If you would like to exchange an item, you can exchange for a different size on our returns portal.
Please contact us for further information